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Kamis, 03 Januari 2008
Adsense investasi di internet
Along with the method of registering itself to adsense community:
Berikut cara mendaftarkan diri menjadi adsense community (Sangat mudah dan cepat):
Buka website adsense
opened web or link adsense
Pilih Bahasa yang dipakai (Bisa bahasa Indonesia lho)
Kilk Daftar Sekarang
After that klick ( sign up now >> )
Masukan blog atau website
input your blog or website
Isi jenis account dan negara tempat anda berada
Fill your type of account and territory
Isi nama dan alamat lengkap penerima pembayaran
fill your long name for payee address, city, and post code
masukan nomor telpon ataupun HP
fill number of your mobile phone or your telephone
centang semua kebijkan yang di syaratkan oleh adsense
Hit all the policies that in required by adsense
Then klick ( Submit Information )
the last step input email address and password should not forget the email address that you input must be based on the email website you if not the side google adsense will ask for repeated the registration.
The mission has been successful and you were kept being waiting for the email reply from google adsense
Congratulations tried and wassuccessful