Kode :
Wilayah 1-2 : Rp 75.000 | Kode : 60/20
Wilayah 3 : Rp 90.000 | Kode : 70/20
Wilayah 4 : Rp 110.000 | Kode : 90/210
Isi : 10 sachet
Kadar nutrisi dan khasiat susu kambing amatlah istimewa. Komposisi gizinya baik yang berupa protein, energi, maupun lemak, mendekati komposisi ASI. Susu Kambing Etawa adalah Susu kambing yang memiliki kandungan protein terbaik. Kandungan protein yang terkandung dalam susu kambing etawa hampir dapat disetarakan dengan Air Susu Ibu (ASI) dan lebih baik daripada telur.
Susu kambing Etta Goat Milk sangat direkomendasikan untuk menambah kesehatan Ibu hamil, bayi hingga usia lanjut.
Susu kambing Etta Goat Milk ini sangat bagus untuk ketahanan fisik bayi, sedangkan untuk orang dewasa susu etawa digunakan untuk penyembuhan berbagai penyakit, seperti asma, lever, kencing manis dan menjaga stamina.
- Mempunyai sifat antiseptik alami yang dapat menekan pembiakan bakteri dalam tubuh, karena Flourin yang terkandung kadarnya 10-100 kali lebih besar dari pada susu sapi.
- Bersifat basa (Alkaline Food) sehingga aman bagi tubuh.
- Proteinnya lembut dan efek laktasenya ringan, sehingga tidak menyebabkan diare.
- Lemaknya mempunyai tekstur yang lembut, halus, dan lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan butiran lemak susu sapi atau susu lainya.
- Bersifat Homogen alami yang mempermudah untuk dicerna, sehingga menekan timbulnya reaksi alergi.
- Mudah dicerna oleh anak balita sampai orang tua.
- Kandungan vitamin B-1 lebih tinggi dibanding susu sapi.
- Baik sekali dikonsumsi anak-anak dan orang lanjut usia yang tidak dapat minum susu sapi karena gangguan pencernaan.
The nutrients and benefit of goat milk are very special. It contains the best protein and other nutrients composition including energy, and even fat which is almost the same with the ASI (breast milk) and better than the egg.
It is highly recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mother, babies, and children.
Etta Goat Milk is richly supplied with outstanding nutrients that help improving immunity for babies and children. For adults, it’s good for recovering the body from many illnesses, like Asthma, Liver, and diabetes and for maintaining the stamina.
The nutrients and benefit of goat milk are very special. It contains the best protein and other nutrients composition including energy, and even fat which is almost the same with the ASI (breast milk) and better than the egg.
It is highly recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mother, babies, and children.
Etta Goat Milk is richly supplied with outstanding nutrients that help improving immunity for babies and children. For adults, it’s good for recovering the body from many illnesses, like Asthma, Liver, and diabetes and for maintaining the stamina.
- It contains a natural antiseptic that can boost the breed of bacteria in the body, due to the amount of Florin that is 10-100 times more than Florin in cow milk.
- It has base characteristic and included as an Alkaline Food which is safe for the body. It contains soft protein which its lactase effect is low (Low Lactase) thus will not cause diarrhea.
- The goat milk fat droplets/lipid bodies have soft and mild texture and the size is tinier than cow milk fat droplet or other milk.
- It is a natural homogeny that makes it easier to digest even for toddlers, thus can prevent an allergic reaction.
- Its vitamin B-1 content is higher than cow milk.
- It is highly recommended for children and elders who can not drink cow milk due to the digestion disorder.
- It contains a natural antiseptic that can boost the breed of bacteria in the body, due to the amount of Florin that is 10-100 times more than Florin in cow milk.
- It has base characteristic and included as an Alkaline Food which is safe for the body. It contains soft protein which its lactase effect is low (Low Lactase) thus will not cause diarrhea.
- The goat milk fat droplets/lipid bodies have soft and mild texture and the size is tinier than cow milk fat droplet or other milk.
- It is a natural homogeny that makes it easier to digest even for toddlers, thus can prevent an allergic reaction.
- Its vitamin B-1 content is higher than cow milk.
- It is highly recommended for children and elders who can not drink cow milk due to the digestion disorder.
Jantung Bocor
Suami saya di vonis dokter jantungnya bocor. Kalau tidak cepat ditangani harus di oprasi. Alhamdulillah saya telah bergabung HNI dan dianjurkan minum Gamat Kapsul, Deep Olive, Madu S Jaga, Etta Goat Milk.
Selama 1 bulan rutin suami saya konsumsi herba tersebut. Ketika cek ke dokter ada perubahan. Saya terus rutinkan herba tersebut.
Bulan ke-5, cek lagi ke dokter. Atas izin Allah dengan perantara herba HNI, Alhamdulillah suami saya semakin membaik dan tidak jadi operasi.
Suami saya terus konsumsi herba tersebut, hampir 1 tahu lebih. Dan cek lagi ke dokter dinyatakan sembuh total.
Trimakasih HNI. Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Suami saya di vonis dokter jantungnya bocor. Kalau tidak cepat ditangani harus di oprasi. Alhamdulillah saya telah bergabung HNI dan dianjurkan minum Gamat Kapsul, Deep Olive, Madu S Jaga, Etta Goat Milk.
Selama 1 bulan rutin suami saya konsumsi herba tersebut. Ketika cek ke dokter ada perubahan. Saya terus rutinkan herba tersebut.
Bulan ke-5, cek lagi ke dokter. Atas izin Allah dengan perantara herba HNI, Alhamdulillah suami saya semakin membaik dan tidak jadi operasi.
Suami saya terus konsumsi herba tersebut, hampir 1 tahu lebih. Dan cek lagi ke dokter dinyatakan sembuh total.
Trimakasih HNI. Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
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